bugs in /bin/mail

Matt Costello matt at ncr-sd.UUCP
Fri Oct 10 11:06:41 AEST 1986

I've found two bugs in the mail program recently, and thought
I'd share them.

The first occurs when mail is being forwarded to another system.
Running mail with no arguments causes it to print the address your
mail is being forwarded to, but first it checks that the mail file
is readable by group mail.  The check for readability is broken and
will complain unless the mode is exactly 0660.  The offending lines

	if (!((stbuf.st_gid == MAILGRP) && ((stbuf.st_mode & 0777)== MFMODE))) {
		printf("Your mail cannot be forwarded.\n");
		printf("Check permissions and group id of mail file.\n");

A more appropriate check would be:

	if (!((stbuf.st_gid == MAILGRP) && ((stbuf.st_mode & 0440)== 0440)) &&
	    !(stbuf.st_mode & 0004) ) {

The second (and more serious) bug comes about because of the trouble
mail goes through to preserve null characters in mail.  Since it cannot
use strlen to find the length of an input line it searches for the
terminating newline that terminates the fgets function.  If the last
character of the mail input is not a newline, then the last line will
not have a newline to find.  In this case one or more bogus characters
will be written out.  The code fragments in question are:

	while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f1) != NULL) {
		...  some code omitted here  ...
		n = strln(line);
		if (write(f2->_file,line,n) != n) {
			...  some code omitted here  ...

*  strln - determine length of line (terminated by '\n')
strln (s)
char *s;
	int i;
	for (i=0 ; i < LSIZE && s[i] != '\n' ; i++);

The simple solution is to use fread rather than fgets since it does
return the number of bytes read.

Now for the questions.  Why does mail go to so much trouble to preserve
nulls in a mail file?  Mailx aborts if it detects a null and vi strips nulls.
Does anybody know why mail does not remove them?  Does anyone see any
reason why stripping nulls would have a detrimental effect?

Matt Costello, matt at ncr-sd.SanDiego.NCR.com (not registered yet)

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