Unixpc DWB and UA stuff

Aaron Zimmerman aaron at proxftl.UUCP
Thu Jul 28 23:09:14 AEST 1988

In article <933 at hodge.UUCP>, rusty at hodge.UUCP (Rusty Hodge) writes:
> Here is what I have done to my /etc/rc file.  I keep a copy of the
> original for just incase AT&T sends me a update :->
> --------------Cut here----------
> if [ -z "$1" ]
> then
>       cd /etc/lddrv
>       ./mkifile /unix unix.syma
>       cmp -s unix.sym unix.syma
>       if [ $? != 0 ]
>       then
>               mv unix.syma unix.sym
>               rm -f wind
>       fi

and so on and so forth..

Well, his rc looked better than the one I had running, so I replaced the old
with his (actually I still have the old as rc.old, but it doesn't matter

	My system won't boot now.

Will someone please tell me what I can do so that it will boot? (I bought my
machine used and w/o proper documentation... speaking of which, if anyone can
tell me where I can find 3b1 docs, I'd appreciate that much! [AT&T, after
referring me through about ten different offices, told me that they don't
have it any more.]).

Thanks much, and hoping for a quick reply!

> I hope this was of some educational value.

Yeah, I learned the hard way not to trust software off the net.

Aaron           | Proximity Tech. |----------------------------------------|
   Charles      | 3511 NE 22 Ave. | Speaking only for myself, o' course... |
      Zimmerman | Fort Ladeda, FL |----------------------------------------|
----------------| (3,055,663,511) | (UUCP: uflorida!novavax!proxftl!aaron) |

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