syslocal(2) on 3b1 sick?

Vernon C. Hoxie vern at zebra.UUCP
Tue Nov 22 17:32:55 AEST 1988

	I'm trying to write a program to reset the clock on the 3b1.
First, I want to be able to read the clock to see if things work. 
This has to be done in the quickest time possible, so I am trying the
syslocal(2) call special to the 3b1.  It has the form:
		int syslocal(cmd, [, arg]
>From the manual (ugh) and the syslocal.h file, I get the command to be
"SYSL_RDRTC" and the argument to be of struct rtc *x_rtc.  Now:
		int x = syslocal(SYSL_RDRTC, x_rtc);
gives x = -1.  So I added perror("Error id"); as the next instruction
and got a "Bad address" response.
	How does a system function provide a bad address.  Oh! This is
an AT&T machine (:>).  I'm tempted to go to machine language but it
would be nice to have something a little more portable.  Not portable
fully if I am using syslocal(2), I know.

	Any help will be appreciated.
Vernon C. Hoxie		       {ncar,nbires,boulder,isis}!scicom!zebra!vern
3975 W. 29th Ave.					voice: 303-477-1780
Denver, Colo., 80212					 uucp: 303-455-2670

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