removing UA windows from shell

Vernon C. Hoxie vern at zebra.UUCP
Wed Nov 8 23:43:42 AEST 1989

Has any one figured out how to remove a UA window when a shell script
leaves one hanging.  I'm trying to write some shell scripts which call
programs which generate windows.  When it ends, there is my full screen
squashed down to a peek hole.

Is there a command or do I have to make a UA form which calls for a full
screen then dump it?

Try 'newwind' from the shell and see what I mean.  I have to 'exit' back
to the Office and call Full Screen UNIX again to get back big window.


Vernon C. Hoxie		       {ncar,nbires,boulder,isis}!scicom!zebra!vern
3975 W. 29th Ave.					voice: 303-477-1780
Denver, Colo., 80212				  TB+	 uucp: 303-455-2670

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