Graphics on PC7300

najmi.jarwala ntj at cbnewsk.ATT.COM
Fri Sep 1 00:34:01 AEST 1989

 I have a PC7300 with a DOS-73 card. I am running a program on DOS that looks
for a Hercules graphics card which the PC7300 is supposed to emulate under 
DOS. However when the program attempts to use the graphics mode, the 
screen blanks, garbage appears on the screen, the screen blanks again and the
Wide Font/Thin Font areas on the screen change to Graph Up/Graph Down. Any 
keystroke restores the screen to the normal text mode. How can I get the
graphics to work under DOS? 

I have a 20MB disk (Miniscribe?) and I have just obtained a 80MB Seagate
ST4096 that I plan to install. The distributor assures me that it is a simple
plug-out plug-in operation.  Is it really that simple? Are there any pitfalls
I should be aware of?

Is it possible me to retain the 20MB disk in addition to the 80MB disk?

I am relatively new to this news group. If these issues were discussed
before, I would be grateful if someone can email me the saved discussion.

Najmi Jarwala
jarwala at


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