flakey telephone ...

Gary S. Trujillo gst at gnosys.UUCP
Wed Sep 27 05:02:01 AEST 1989

In article <866 at kcdev.UUCP> obrien at kcdev.UUCP (John Obrien x4089) writes:
> ...Incidently, I saw a "disable call waiting" recently on
> the Missouri state legislature BBS.  For DOS pc's no doubt but maybe
> it could be made to work for us???

Well, I just recently got call-waiting with the "disable" option (only on my
voice line, which I'm forced to use for data communications while I await
settlement of the NYNEX strike for re-installation of my data line following
a recent move), and find I can utilize it easily.  For example, my L.sys entry
for THE STORE! is:

  shop Any ACU 1200 *70,12019574646 "" \r\d\r   ogin:--ogin:--ogin: shop

(The "*70" part selects call-waiting-disable, and the "," specifies a pause,
to wait for the bzzz-bzzz which confirms the disable.)

Note that the call-waiting-disable feature is not available at all offices
which provide call-waiting.
Gary S. Trujillo			      gst at gnosys.svle.ma.us
Somerville, Massachusetts		      {spdcc,ima,wjh12,cdp}!gnosys!gst

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