promoting Perl (was Re: uutraffic report (in perl))

r.peterson roe at sobmips.UUCP
Sat Dec 9 17:49:27 AEST 1989

Okay - enough already.

Someone has created a useful utility.

The originator has seen fit to distribute his utility.  Thanks - this is
what keeps usenet source code a good thing.  Kudos and applause, with
*no* sarcasm intended.

It is NOT his responsibility to see that his utility runs on your
machine.  If he sees fit to do so, GREAT!  If you are going to bitch
about perl not running on machineX/osY/gibbleZ, just don't bother.

	Further to this, I think he's doing a great job providing
	portability now, and anyone who wishes to complain that it
	doesn't run on a Trash80/1 should be (pick a suitable
	method of bodily mutilation).

Shall we question the authors' right to promote his own creation?
Are you nuts?

Other people have also found this utility useful, and create further
utilities based thereon.

They also have seen fit to distribute their utilities.

All of the above comments apply, especially the kudos and applause.

If you are upset about perl not running on your machine - FIX IT!  When
you're done, post the fixes (or better - mail them to the author, who
seems to be willing to incorporate changes).  Then, receive your own

I've not yet learned perl - but I intend to do so.  I'm from the school
that says "If it takes more than 20 lines of shell, write it in c";
however, casual perusal of some of the perl utilities that have arrived
combined with the ridiculous ease with which they can be modified,
convinced me that perl is worth using.

And, EVEN IF ITS' NOT - I applaud anyone willing to put that amount of
effort into a piece of software and then (not only) give it away, but

'Nuff said.
One makes strong assumptions delving	       Roe Peterson
into the beginning of the universe...	       {uunet,mcgill-vision}!sobeco!roe
	- Stephen Hawking, Cambridge

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