posting of zsh to alt.sources

Paul John Falstad pfalstad at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Sun Dec 16 13:34:51 AEST 1990

	I just posted version 1.0 of zsh to alt.sources.  zsh is intended
to be a shell with all the programming power of ksh, but with all the
nice interactive features of tcsh.  It isn't yet, but this first
release is a good start, IMHO.  Features include:

>From ksh:
	- all control structures, including select
	- shell functions
	- process substitution (even w/o /dev/fd)
	- parameter substitution, including ${foo-bar},${foo?bar},${foo%%bar}, etc.
	- $(...) and `...` command substitution
	- regexp filename generation (globbing)
	- tilde expansion
	- coprocesses
	- job control
	- cd -, cd old new
	- fc, fc -e -
	- aliases
	- let, read

>From tcsh:
	- repeat (with a more ksh-like syntax)
	- ! history substitution and : modifiers
	- termcap support
	- PROMPT with %x sequences
	- login/logout monitoring
	- chcwd, precmd, periodic
	- pushd/popd
	- sched
	- = substitution for directory stack entries
	- brace expansion
	- noclobber, notify, ignoreeof, autolist, correct,
	  dextract, nobeep, printexitvalue, pushdtohome, pushdsilent, etc.

>From bash:
	- $[...] arithmetic substitution
	- the readline command line editor

Other stuff:
	- "echo =ls" is the same as "echo `which ls`"
	- recursive directory search in filename generation (for example,
	  "ls ..../*.c" lists all .c files in the hierarchy)
	- aliases can optionally be expanded anywhere on the command line

Paul Falstad, pfalstad at PLink:HYPNOS GEnie:P.FALSTAD
And Dinsdale said, "You've been a naughty boy, Clement," and splits me nostrils
open, and saws me leg off, and pulls me liver out.  And I said, "My name's not
Clement."  And then he loses his temper.  And he nails me head to the floor.

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