xdiary01 (X based calendar and diary)

Jason Baietto jason at ssd.csd.harris.com
Sat Dec 15 06:03:24 AEST 1990

Tom Neff writes:
> I might be willing to use this if only it had more COPYRIGHTS!!!

I apologize for the verbage.  From what I've been reading, I'm not even
sure they mean anything anyway, but since nobody seems to agree on the
matter I figured the best thing to do was stick 'em everywhere.

Maybe I should have provided a shell script to remove the copyrights? :-)
Ah, but then I'd have to stick copyrights in the script too...

|      Jason "Jasper" Baietto       |       otteiaB "repsaJ" nosaJ      |
| Harris Computer Systems Division  |  noisiviD smetsyS retupmoC sirraH |
|     Fort Lauderdale, Florida      |      adirolF ,eladreduaL troF     |
|   jason at hcx2.ssd.csd.harris.com   |   moc.sirrah.dsc.dss.2xch at nosaj   |

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