SPS Sun4-4.1 immediate compile failure

jukoff at parc.xerox.com jukoff at parc.xerox.com
Wed Nov 21 03:53:36 AEST 1990

SPS Sun4-4.1 immediate compile failure.  Has anyone made this work?

% make -f Makefile.sun.4.1
cc -DSUN -DBSD42 -DNFS -DVPRINTF -DKVM -DSUNOS40 -DSUNOS41 -Isys -c -O filecount
"filecount.c", line 40: p_uarea undefined
"filecount.c", line 40: u_ofile_arr undefined
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `filecount.o'

% ls
BUG-libkvm              findtty.c               prheader.c
Makefile                flagdecode.c            printall.c
Makefile.4.1            flags.h                 printproc.c
Makefile.4.2            flagsetup.c             prsummary.c
Makefile.4.3            getcmd.c                readstatus.c
Makefile.4.3+NFS        getupage.c              selectproc.c
Makefile.dec3100        globals1.c              selecttty.c
Makefile.sun.2.0        globals2.c              sps.h
Makefile.sun.3.0        hashuid.c               sps.l
Makefile.sun.3.2        initialise.c            sps00
Makefile.sun.4.0        initsymbols.c           sps01
Makefile.sun.4.0+386i   inittty.c               sps02
Makefile.sun.4.1        main.c                  sps03
Makefile.sun4.3.2       mktree.c                stream.c
Makefile.ultrix.2.0     needed.c                sys
Makefile.ultrix.3.0     openfiles.c             termwidth.c
README                  percentmem.c            ttystatus.c
RELEASENOTES            prcmd.c                 vmstat.c
filecount.c             prcpu.c                 waitingfor.c

>From file README:
How to build SPS:
    1. In order to compile and install SPS, first unbundle the four shell
       archive files.

4 shars...  From the net: alt.sources:

 2373 New release of SPS (support for SunOS 4.0, 4.1 and DEC 3100's)
 2374 SPS for SunOS4.1 and DEC 3100's - Shar 1 of 3
 2375 SPS for SunOS4.1 and DEC 3100's - Shar 2 of 3
 2376 SPS for SunOS4.1 and DEC 3100's - Shar 3 of 3

3 shars...

Can you help me get this compiled?

| Steven Jukoff,             Phone: (415)494-4316         |
| Xerox PARC                 DDN:   jukoff at parc.xerox.com |

--Steven Jukoff (jukoff at parc.xerox.com)

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