Okay, I give up. What is the real story?

Roy M. Silvernail roy%cybrspc at cs.umn.edu
Mon Nov 19 15:00:50 AEST 1990

mferrare at physics.adelaide.edu.au (Mark Ferraretto) writes:

> kdq at demott.COM (Kevin D. Quitt) writes:
> >    Actually, it's Zzyzx, what was supposedly (according to the guy who
> So how do you pronounce it?

I'd guess 'zizz-ix. Any other ideas?

Roy M. Silvernail |+|  roy%cybrspc at cs.umn.edu  |+| #define opinions ALL_MINE;
main(){float x=1;x=x/50;printf("It's only $%.2f, but it's my $%.2f!\n",x,x);}
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