MDG - Neat, but Something's not working...

Clay Luther cluther at
Thu Feb 21 10:10:03 AEST 1991

I compiled MDG up tried to run it.  The daemon chugs merrily along, invoking
mdg_clock.  Mdg, when run, displays the start up screen.  However, it fails 
to connect to the mdg_daemon, saying it doesn't respond, and terminates.

Mdg_save and mdg_stop both work properly and appear to be able to talk to the
daemon.  Here is the errorlog:

Loading daemon task...

clock started.
writing game save...
writing game save...
Shutdown called...
writing game save...

Also, where is the default player file?  And other help?

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Clay Luther, Postmaster          cluther at 
  Harris Adacom Corporation      cluther at
  Voice:  214/386-2356           MS 23, PO Box 809022, Dallas, Tx 75380-9022
  Fax:    214/386-2159           Your mileage may vary.  Void where prohibited.

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