PLEASE post only sources to alt.sources

Kent Paul Dolan xanthian at zorch.SF-Bay.ORG
Wed Mar 20 09:33:42 AEST 1991


If you have a human in a diversion loop for the automoderator, it would
be nice to enforce the existance in the article of the Archive-Name
entry; the biggest negative of alt.sources is not the stray non-source
postings, but the difficulty of organizing the archives without some
namespace control.

Credit this idea to Peter da Silva.

It might also be nice if there were a way to ping the
root/postmaster/usenet address at the site of origin exactly once to
remind the sysadmin that group alt.sources.d should be carried wherever
alt.sources is. With no data, I can only envisage that part of the
misplaced discussion traffic is originating at sites with no
subscription to the discussion subgroup.

Kent, the man from xanth.
<xanthian at Zorch.SF-Bay.ORG> <xanthian at>

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