Please describe your sources

Erik M. van der Poel erik at
Mon Mar 18 19:27:45 AEST 1991

> You forgot to mention a rather important point: if you move the mouse veeerry
> carefully, you won't wake Oneko up (neko = cat in japanese, don't know what
> this o- prefix is)

A long time ago, someone created xclock (to run in a rectangular X
window), and then someone created oclock, when X started to support
non-rectangular windows (the SHAPE extension).

I think the `neko' program first appeared on the Macintosh, and was then
ported to X, and therefore called xneko, but it ran around in a
rectangular window. Now it uses the SHAPE extension of course, so maybe
that's why they called it oneko.

It's also a bit of a pun since the prefix o- can be put in front of many
Japanese words to make them "polite" ("honorable", or whatever).
Erik M. van der Poel                                      erik at
Software Research Associates, Inc., Tokyo, Japan     TEL +81-3-3234-2692

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