Animal game - VAX/VMS DCL implementation

Stacey Campbell stacey at hcr.UUCP
Sat Mar 11 03:52:22 AEST 1989

I was poking around a tape containing some of my
old university stuff and found this.

It's a VAX/VMS Version 3.? DCL implementation of the
old game 'Animal'.  It should work for later versions
of VMS.  It supports saving and reading the question
database.  It is probably one of the most twisted
implementations of this game.  I was quite proud of
it when I wrote it.  Use at your own risk!

$!Animal meets DCL
$!Stacey Campbell
$!August holidays, 1985.
$!La Trobe University
$!usage:   $ @animal
$ say="write sys$output"
$ ask="inquire/nopunctuation"
$ say "Lets have fun with trees and animals,"
$ say "see if I can guess what you are thinking!"
$ say ""
$ i=1
$ cu=1
$ nil=9999
$ ask tmps "Do you have the animal database? "
$ tmps=f$extract(0,1,tmps)
$ if tmps.eqs."Y" then $ goto get_database
$ q'i:=Does it swim
$ cu=cu+1
$ y'i=cu
$ q'cu:=Is it a cod fish
$ cu=cu+1
$ n'i=cu
$ q'cu:=Is it a cow
$ tmp=y'i
$ y'tmp=nil
$ n'tmp=nil
$ tmp=n'i
$ y'tmp=nil
$ n'tmp=nil
$ ask an "Are you thinking of an animal? "
$ an=f$extract(0,1,an)
$ if an.eqs."Y" then $ goto l3000
$ ask tmps "Do you want your database saved? "
$ tmps=f$extract(0,1,tmps)
$ if tmps.eqs."Y" then $ goto put_database
$ say "Goodbye."
$ exit
$ i=1
$ if then $ goto l4000
$ if re.nes."Y" then $ goto l5000
$ say "I guessed correctly!"
$ goto l240
$ tmps=q'i
$ say "''tmps'?"
$ ask re ""
$ io=i
$ re=f$extract(0,1,re)
$ tmpy=y'i
$ tmpn=n'i
$ if re.eqs."Y" then $ i=tmpy
$ if re.nes."Y" then $ i=tmpn
$ goto l3010
$ i=io
$ ask g "What are you thinking of? "
$ tmps=q'i
$ tmps=f$extract(8,f$length(tmps)-8,tmps)
$ say "What is a question to distinguish a ",g," from a ",tmps
$ ask b ""
$ say "For a ''g' the answer would be? "
$ ask t ""
$ t=f$extract(0,1,t)
$ if t.eqs."Y" then $ goto l6000
$ goto l7000
$ cu=cu+1
$ y'i=cu
$ q'cu:=Is it a 'g
$ y'cu=nil
$ n'cu=nil
$ cu=cu+1
$ n'i=cu
$ tmps=q'i
$ q'cu=tmps
$ y'cu=nil
$ n'cu=nil
$ q'i=b
$ goto l240
$ cu=cu+1
$ n'i=cu
$ q'cu:=Is it a 'g
$ n'cu=nil
$ y'cu=nil
$ cu=cu+1
$ y'i=cu
$ tmps=q'i
$ q'cu=tmps
$ n'cu=nil
$ y'cu=nil
$ q'i=b
$ goto l240
$ if f$search("ANIMAL.DATABASE").eqs."" then $ goto nofile
$ open/read infile animal.database
$ read infile cu
$ j=1
$ read/end_of_file=readend_of_loop infile q'j
$ read infile y'j
$ read infile n'j
$ j=j+1
$ goto readloop
$ close infile
$ goto l240
$ ask tmps "I cannot find it, do you still want to play? "
$ tmps=f$extract(0,1,tmps)
$ if tmps.eqs."Y" then $ goto initial
$ say "Goodbye."
$ exit
$ open/write/error=cannot_open outfile animal.database
$ write outfile cu
$ j=1
$ saved_message=f$environment("MESSAGE")
$ set message/nofacility/noidentification/noseverity/notext
$ on warning then $ goto writeend_of_loop
$ tmpy=y'j
$ write outfile q'j
$ write outfile tmpy
$ write outfile n'j
$ j=j+1
$ goto writeloop
$ set message'saved_message'
$ close outfile
$ say "Goodbye."
$ exit
$ say "Sorry, I cannot open the file."
$ say "Goodbye."
$ exit
Stacey Campbell, HCR Corporation, {lsuc,utzoo,utcsri}!hcr!stacey

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