Bug in 4.2 tip

Bj|rn Eriksen ber at enea.UUCP
Thu Feb 9 11:29:15 AEST 1984

When I was adding the "tip" (4.2 BSD) line locking routines to Kermit
I came across that old uucplock-bug. In the source for tip there is a 
file uucplock.c which defines

	#define NAMESIZE 15

which is used in "ulockf" as

	static char tempfile[NAMESIZE];

	if (pid < 0) {
		pid = getpid();
		sprintf(tempfile, "/usr/spool/uucp/LTMP.%d", pid);

But that file name sure has more than 15 character, which caused
my new Kermit to core dump in the next calloc.
	Bjorn Eriksen	{philabs,decvax}!mcvax!enea!ber

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