Breaking out of several nested loops

Dick Dunn rcd at opus.UUCP
Fri Oct 12 05:36:32 AEST 1984

> >> The correct way to break out of multiply nested control constructs (using the
> >> example in the referenced article) without using 3 separate boolean flags is:
> >> 	while(...){
> >> 				goto Out;
> 	Very UNstructured!!!!!!!!!!
> 	Try the following:

...and the parent article suggests ripping this nest out into a separate
procedure which has, as parameters, all of the variables needed in the nest
of control constructs--this allows replacing the "goto" with a "return". 
I guess the trailing-line-eater bug got the parent article, 'cause there
wasn't a ":-)" at the end.

I'm sure glad to see that someone would violate all concepts of modularity
(yanking part of the innards out of a procedure), clean interface (defining
a new procedure without regard to how many parameters might be needed),
and, dare I say the word, efficiency.  No, really, I AM glad about that,
because the more "programmers" there are who bow to the sacred "structured"
idol and who stupidly believe "structured"=="no goto's", the longer I will
be able to be paid an absurdly high salary for being able to produce real
software (though it's sometimes painful to do maintenance on code written
by a "structured code" dogmatist).
Dick Dunn	{hao,ucbvax,allegra}!nbires!rcd		(303)444-5710 x3086
   ...Relax...don't worry...have a homebrew.

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