Breaking out of several nested loops

David M. Ihnat ignatz at wlcrjs.UUCP
Wed Oct 10 02:35:10 AEST 1984

<I'll never submit to putting in that silly lineater sop in my messaes...>

(Despite the fact that the latest version of news encourages me to
reship the entire text of the reference message, I can't see doing so.
If you're stepping into this conversation this late, uh...go back and
catch up.)

Re the comment on the suggestion to use a 'goto' to get out of deeply
nested structures:

> 	Very UNstructured!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry--STRUCTURED CODE IS NOT RELIGION.  If trying for structured code
produces more complicated, un-understandable code than the so-called 
'unstructured' code, then it's getting in the way of the job.  Please,
please remember:  Nothing is forbidden.  Gotos CAN be avoided in all
cases; but it remains a fact that there are times when a simple,
single exit point out of a deeply nested structure will be far clearer
and simpler than a convoluted approach intended to appease  the ghods
of structured programming.  (FYI, I *am* a proponent of structured
programming techniques; the approach I'm postulating, fortunately, was
explained to me by aprofessor long gone but not forgotten.)

	Dave Ihnat
	Analysts International Corporation
				Dave Ihnat
				Analysts International Corporation
				aicchi!ignatz or wlcrjs!ignatz
				(w) 882-4673  (h) 784-4544

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