more about programming style

Gary S. Moss AMXBR-VLD-V moss at BRL.ARPA
Thu Jul 11 23:56:00 AEST 1985

I object to people saying "stuff = stuff + 1" when what they really mean
more specifically is "stuff++" or "stuff += 1"".  Way before I learned 'C'
I felt that this was an awkward way of incrementing a variable.  Its like
repeating the subject of a sentence, i.e. "Mark is a good boy because Mark
ate his peas".

I also object to people who don't take the time to learn the basics of
a language and pick at the syntax of someone's program because they don't
understand it.

Writing maintainable programs goes several levels of organization above
idiomatic expression, and communication of this to supervisors is far
more difficult than someone with your troubles probably realizes.


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