PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAND: ANSI proposal for preprocessor strings

Peter S. Shenkin peters at cubsvax.UUCP
Fri Mar 15 07:33:55 AEST 1985

I've been reading this discussion for a few weeks now;  could someone
please enlighten me as to what the hell it's about?  (It's probably
presumptious of me to send this request to the net... it implies that
there might be a few others out there who are as mystified as I.)

I use the cpp exactly the way it's described in K&R.  What are the "Reiser
features"?  Is the new cpp proposed by the standards committee going to
make me change the way I use the cpp?  I presume not, but it's my guess that
it's going to add capabilities.  What are they?  (There was an example given
a few weeks ago with a bunch of #-signs in it, but I couldn't figure out
what they were supposed to do....)

Peter S. Shenkin   philabs!cubsvax!peters

the QUOTATION OF THE DAY (picked especially for this query) is:

"It may be that the ignorant man alone
Has any chance to mate his life with life
That is the sensual, the pearly spouse,
The life that is fluent
In even the wintriest bronze"   -- Wallace Stevens

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