#define kinda stuff

Ryan McGuire ryan at cwruecmp.UUCP
Thu Apr 10 00:03:02 AEST 1986


    O.K. all you people out there who think you know everything, I got
one for ya:

    Here's what I wanna do:

#define (-: /*
#define :-) */

    Obviously I want to make (-: and :-) my comment delimiters.  One problem,
though, is that the compiler or preprocessor (or whatever it is that does it)
interprets most of the above as a comment containing '\n#define :-)'.  How
do I get around this???  Here are the other things I tried (which didn't work).

#define (-: \/*            this didn't work because it put \/* in for every (-:
#define (-: "/*"	   ditto but with a "/*"
#define (-: '/*'	   ditto but with a '/*'
#define (-: /\*		   ditto but with a /\*

#define (- /		   this pair was rejected for a number of reasons:
#define : *		     1. It would mean I would have to make my smileys
				like this   (- :
			     2. To make matters worse that got interpreted as
				/ *  (notice the space) instead of /*.
			     3. And lastly something like   5 / (-3 * a) would
				become			    5 / /3 * a)  .

    Of course I could do something along the lines of...
%alias cc 'sed {sed commands} $1 | cc'
    ...or something like that, but I wanted to put something in an include
files that I could send to all my friends to use; I don't want to make them
all put a new alias in their .login files.

    If anyone could help me on this one, it would be greatly appreciated.
One thing, however: before you mail me any suggestions try them to make
SURE they work.

						Ryan McGuire

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