C questions

kimcm at olamb.UUCP kimcm at olamb.UUCP
Mon Jan 19 23:19:27 AEST 1987

> "... 95% of all C programmers couldn't give you a good
> explanation of the term lvalue..."

I don't think so, we're a software house with several *PROFESSIONAL*
C programmers (both UNIX and *DOS C compilers) and nobody has any
problems understanding lvalue and other abbreviations (technical compiler
terms). But for an introduction to C it would be a good help to explain
the meaning of such phrases.

> "... Switch/case could be classified as rarely used and should be
> kept till later.

Switch/case - should be classified as a *VERY* potent language structure,
and the usage and syntax should be laid quite clear for new C users, to avoid
pitfalls especially the default fall-through mecanism, which is unique to C.

> "... very few C programmers know much about sizeof..."

I really doubd that this is true, experienced C programmers (pro's and 
non-pro's) will quickly find this routine instead of using a machine-dependent
value of some datatype. Just consider the example:

	struct p {
		int	p_num;
		char	name[20];
		char	phone[12];
	} person;

	while (read(fd,&person,sizeof(person)) == sizeof(person)) {
		...do something to person structure...

and the usage without sizeof:

	struct p {
		int	p_num;
		char	name[20];
		char	phone[12];
	} person;

	while (read(fd,&person,34) == 34) {
		...do something to person structure...

And notice that the latter depends on integers being 16bit values, if you
move to another computer where integers are 32bit values you'll have to edit
and recompile your source - if using the former example you'll only need to
recompile. But that's not it the code is easier understandable than the latter.

> "... 99%  of  all  professional C  programmers  have no idea
> what typedef is all about, couldn't care less and probably
> won't ever need it."

How much longer are we going to live with the myth saying that, professional
programmers, are people with no in-depth knowledge of the tool they're
using!!! You might as well say that *REAL* programmers work at the university
and don't care about getting their hands dirty by programming for money
(ie. become a profesional programmer) - BULL****!
> "... 99%  of  all  professional C  programmers  have no idea
> what the comma operator is all about, couldn't care less and
> probably won't ever need it."
> "... Leave the comma operator altogether. An intro book is no
> place for obscure and unmaintainable tricks..."

Might be a good idea to save the comma operator to late in the book, but
it certainly should be mentioned, since most C programmers (-; at some
point in their career will have to read other peoples C code and try
to understand it. If the comma operator are left out - the person seeing
in some code will be really puzzled by what's going on. (I've tried it myself,
but I had a wizard to train me!)

> "... Pointers to functions ... few C programmers understand
> them or would ever need them..."

Ever tried to write programs that receives interrupts from user or external
devices, if so you'll probably used signal(2) which returns a pointer to a
function and takes a function as argument for action upon receival of the

Or to take another example try to sort a large array of structures, (actually
pointers to structures) by a field in the structure. You can either write the
sort-routine yourself or use qsort(3C) but this needs a pointer to a function
to do the comparison between two elements of the array.

OK, then you'll need only a brief understanding of what pointers to functions
are - not the semantics of them -- BUT if you were to write the qsort routine
you'd better know what pointers to functions are!
> "... a C programmer never needs to know what a byte is..."

A C programmer never needs to know what ASCII is!
A C programmer never needs to know what a computer is!
A C programmer never needs to know who he is!
A C programmer never needs to know!
A C programmer never needs!
A C programmer never know!
....when will all the biased viewpoints on what a *REAL* C programmer
need to know and what he doesn't need to know stop ?


	I think all of the elements of the C language should be covered
	in a teaching book. Maybe not to make the new C programmer
	familliar with them all at once, but to make him/her able to
	understand other people's C code. And later on to use the book as
	a reference work.

					Kim Chr. Madsen

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