C Review

Darius "OPRDRT" Ragheb dragheb at isis.UUCP
Thu Jan 15 03:32:19 AEST 1987

In article <2313 at brl-adm.ARPA> Peter Steele - Acadia writes:
>I am currently finishing up a new text book on C with a colleague
>of mine and we just received the last of several technical reviews.
>This particular reviewer makes some statements that we find hard
>to accept. However, we're just two people, so we decided to get
>some opinions from other C programmers. Below is a list of some
>his statements. Is this guy for real? Your comments would be
>greatly appreciated. Incidentally, the text is not an intro
>text, it assumes the reader has finished a course in Pascal.

First of all...where do you want these responses to go?  

Second:  who is this reviewer?  a person in industry?  if so,
i hope he shapes up: his attitude is, to say the least, disgusting.
In acadamia?  if so, he is a fool.

>"... 95% of all C programmers couldn't give you a good
>explanation of the term lvalue..."

Possibly true, but for god's sake, if your book explains it, then
what is his gripe!

>"... Switch/case could be classified as rarely used and should be
>kept till later.

Has this person ever written a program in his life?

>"... very few C programmers know much about sizeof..."

WHAT? almost ALL programmers (i made this statistic up :-) know
about sizeof....many assemblers and compilers now have this
feature (I mean, non-C compilers are now adding it).

>"... 99%  of  all  professional C  programmers  have no idea
>what typedef is all about, couldn't care less and probably

He made that statistic up.

>won't ever need it."
>"... 99%  of  all  professional C  programmers  have no idea
>what the comma operator is all about, couldn't care less and
>probably won't ever need it."
>"... Leave the comma operator altogether. An intro book is no
>place for obscure and unmaintainable tricks..."

He has a bad attitude: if 99% of the programmers don;t know about
it, it is high time a good book was published explaining it.  
>"... Pointers to functions ... few C programmers understand
>them or would ever need them..."
>"... a C programmer never needs to know what a byte is..."
[by the same token, he must agree, then, that a C programmer does
not need to know what a register is.....obviously it is not
ESSENTIAL, but its like saying a pilot does not need to know what
landing gear is: he knows its there, and when he uses it , it works,
but knowledge of it might make him a better pilot]

HAHAHAA sounds like you made this one up to get back at 
the guy!  HAHAHAHAHA Good one.  Is this reviewr a stand up
comedian?  Why doesn't he come to the Comedy Works here
in Denver....he would be a big hit. HHAHAHAHA

Well, I am really not sure if the original posting was a joke or
not.....those points did not seem real, but, those are my reactions
to the reviewer's statements.  What is his problem? Hates people
being educated, or what?

Functionality, Efficiency, Luxury.

isis!dragheb  |  dragheb at isis.cs.du.edu

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