arrays and structures in C

Pablo Halpern pablo at polygen.uucp
Wed Apr 20 08:00:05 AEST 1988

>From article <12983 at brl-adm.ARPA>, by jfjr at (Freedman):
> Alternatively you could declare  
> typedef rather_large_type large_array[some_large_integer];
> but I haven't had much luck with malloc(sizeof(large_array))
> Now I can do this
> typedef struct {
>           int dummy_field;
>           large_array large;
>           } large_structure;
> malloc(sizeof(large_structure)) 
> this seems to work and looks more portable than anything else but
> its not pretty. Have I missed something??

Your first alternative:

	typedef rather_large_type large_array[some_large_integer];
	pointer = (rather_large_type *) malloc(sizeof(large_array));

SHOULD work but doesn't on some compilers which don't understand that
an array is NOT a pointer, an array is CONVERTED to a pointer when
indexed or de-referenced.

Assuming you can't change to a better compiler, I suggest a slight varient
on your second attempt:

	typedef struct {
		large_array	large;
		char		dummy_field;
	} large_structure;

	pointer = (rather_large_type *) malloc(sizeof(large_structure));

That way, you can simply say:


instead of 


(Every compiler I know of the address of a struct is the same as the address
of its first element.  dpANS requires this.)
However, I don't understand your objection to:

	pointer = (rather_large_type *) malloc(some_large_integer * 

Which seems the same to me.

Pablo Halpern		|	mit-eddie \
Polygen Corp.		|	princeton  \ !polygen!pablo  (UUCP)
200 Fifth Ave.		|	bu-cs      /
Waltham, MA 02254	|	stellar   /

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