cpp.c desperately needed

Barnacle Wes wes at obie.UUCP
Thu Apr 7 02:39:11 AEST 1988

In article <148 at amcad.UUCP>, billb at amcad.UUCP (Bill Burton) writes:
% In article <12285 at brl-adm.ARPA> MH9TS1BF%ICINECA.BITNET at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU writes:
% [...]
% >Can anybody help me ? I have a lot of Fortran source code
% >to be preprocessed by cpp (to handle machine dependencies etc)
% >( it seemed a good idea ... )
% >that I am porting from a Unix environment to Vax/VMS.
% [...]
% >Does anybody know if there is a cpp.c in the public domain, and
% >how to reach it ?
% [...]
% >Furio Ercolessi, Intl. School for Advanced Studies, Trieste (Italy)
% I need a pd cpp as well.  Our compiler doesn't handle #define's longer
% than eight chars (nor variables either).  At least with a decent cpp I
% could just create a header file with #define THIS_IS_TOO_LONG TITL 
% for each of the conflicting #define's rather than having to sed all the
% source and keep two copies around -- one normal and one with short
% names. 
% Any help would be much appreciated.  I would like to compile elm 1.7 and
% perl. 

We just went through this a couple of weeks ago in comp.lang.c:  Try "Dr.
Dobb's Toolbook of C," from M&T publishing.  It includes the source for the
cpp that goes with the Small-C compiler in it.  You can even get it on a
disk (but not one you can read with a VAX).
    /\              - " Against Stupidity,  -    {backbones}!
   /\/\  .    /\    -  The Gods Themselves  -  utah-cs!utah-gr!
  /    \/ \/\/  \   -   Contend in Vain."   -  uplherc!sp7040!
 / U i n T e c h \  -        Schiller       -     obie!wes
    /\              -  "Against Stupidity,  -    {backbones}!
   /\/\  .    /\    -  The Gods Themselves  -  utah-cs!utah-gr!
  /    \/ \/\/  \   -   Contend in Vain."   -  uplherc!sp7040!
 / U i n T e c h \  -       Schiller        -     obie!wes

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