
Wed Aug 10 01:59:34 AEST 1988

Subject: Fortran to C conversion.

I have an elderly 2000 line Fortran program that has run
on a variety of mainframes and which ought to be doing lots of graphics
but doesnt.  It just produces some awful line printer plots.
It seemed to me that it was time to upgrade it and to shift it to the
Macintosh where I could get some better graphics.    At the same time
I would like to convert it to C which would make it a bit easier to
maintain.   Does anyone know of an automatic translator from Fortran
to C.  Even an imperfect one would be useful.  I hear rumours of a
unix program called "ftoc".  Please reply direct, as I'm not a
subscriber to info-c.

                     John McMillan

phy6jem at uk.ac.leeds.ucs.cms1                         |  JANET    |
phy6jem%uk.ac.leeds.ucs.cms1 at ukacrl                  |BITNET/EARN|
phy6jem%cms1.ucs.leeds at nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk              |   ARPA    |
nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk!leeds.ucs.cms1!phy6jem              |   UUCP    |
star::"phy6jem%leeds.ucs.cms1 at nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk"      |   SPAN    |

       Haverah Park Group / South Pole Air Shower Experiment
     Physics Department, University of Leeds, LEEDS, LS29JT, UK

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