sysV 2.0 vs 3.1 compatibility?

Doug Gwyn gwyn at smoke.BRL.MIL
Thu Dec 15 08:22:33 AEST 1988

In article <207600011 at> walquist at writes:
-I am having trouble with a program (namely, CAL) that I'm attempting
-to compile on Unix sysV version 3.1 software.  It works when compiled on
-version 2.0.4, but a call to fopen() in a 3.1 executable causes the program
-to die (or be killed; the error message simply reads "Killed").
-  the compiler used is "dmdcc", a compiler for software developed for the 
-  AT&T 5620 (the blit).  The same DMD Application Development Uilities
-  exist on each machine (2.0 and 3.1).
-  When I compile this program with dmdcc and run it (using an existing file
-  "temp"), it exits with "Killed." and no other output.

Why in the world are you trying to use dmdcc to build anything
other than a downloadable DMD (5620) binary?  It is definitely
not intended for any other purpose.  If it worked before, it was
just an accident (I have to wonder about the way it was installed;
for example, where did getc() and stdout get defined?  They're
not DMD concepts).

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