Assembly or ....

A N D R E A S 861087p at aucs.UUCP
Tue Nov 22 03:50:54 AEST 1988

     Since this are Newsgroups that mainly programmers write I
would like to ask them if it really worth it to spend time to
learn assembly language.I know that when you program in 
assembly you loose the portability but you gain in speed.
I've been told also that there are some low-level operations
that you just can't do in C or any other high level language.
Apart from this most of the commercial programs are written
in assembly(Turbo Pascal etc.).Device drivers are also written in assemly.
So why is everybody against assembly when many programs available are
written in assembly?
   I hope I'll get some answers from you guys !!

The number of the beast is 80386|Andreas Pikoulas
or 68030 ??                     |Acadia University


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