comma operator

Robert J. Drabek robert at
Fri Aug 4 02:51:39 AEST 1989

In article <918 at>, dooley at (Kevin Dooley) writes:
> Can anybody tell me if there is a usage where the comma is 'better'.
> By this I mean are there any places where using a comma makes the 
> code more readable, efficient, produce cleaner/faster assembler (I
> know this is compiler dependant).  It's just that I've never seen a
> program with the comma operator where I didn't scream and edit it out.

I agree with you.  The one place, though, where it is used is in "for"
loops:  for (i = 0, j = 9; ...; i++, j--)

I have seen the following "attempt" at using a comma operator in a function

       func(expr1, expr2)

The writer thought he was using the comma operator since the function
had been defined as having a single argument.  He did get

       func((expr1, expr2))

to work.  I don't know if all compilers would get this, though.
Robert J. Drabek
Department of Computer Science
The University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ  85721

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