comma operator

Paul De Bra debra at alice.UUCP
Fri Aug 4 23:25:07 AEST 1989

In article <13074 at> robert at (Robert J. Drabek) writes:
}I agree with you.  The one place, though, where it is used is in "for"
}loops:  for (i = 0, j = 9; ...; i++, j--)
}I have seen the following "attempt" at using a comma operator in a function
}       func(expr1, expr2)
}The writer thought he was using the comma operator since the function
}had been defined as having a single argument.  He did get
}       func((expr1, expr2))
}to work.  I don't know if all compilers would get this, though.

The following is also a problem:
if i have something like
	if (e)
and want to get some debug output, i would try
	if (e)
but this gives syntax error. (at least in the compilers i've tried)
Note that
	if (e)
compiles fine. It's just that "return" is treated differently.


|debra at   | uunet!research!debra     |

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