No make dependencies on binaries allowed (was Recommend a C compiler?)

Peter Desnoyers desnoyer at
Sat Aug 19 07:32:50 AEST 1989

In article <2009 at> raymond at (Eric 
A. Raymond) writes:
> >A project file might contain (from Turbo C User's Guide, p. 36):
> >               MYMAIN (MYFUNCS.H, SPECIAL.OBJ)
> >               MYFUNCS (MYFUNCS.H, OTHER.LIB)
> >               SPECIAL.OBJ
> >               OTHER.LIB
> Of course, there is no way a LIB or OBJ file could have a compile-time
> effect on a source file.

Not necessarily true . I've written a make file (with lots of awk code 
to go with it) to compensate for a broken cross-linker where the 
dependencies run sort of like:
  .c -> .asm -> .obj -> .map -> .asm -> .obj -> .map -> .cmd -> .hex
(where .cmd is a linker command file)

Also, what about assembler equate generators - e.g.
  grep "#define" foo.h | awk -f gnarly.awk > equgen.c
  cc equgen.c -o equgen
  equgen > foo.equ

In this case the object is only an intermediate step, but you certainly
could write the makefile in such a way that source (foo.asm) would 
depend on object or binary (equgen.o & equgen).

                                      Peter Desnoyers
                                      Apple ATG
                                      (408) 974-4469

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