Curses question...

Michael R. Wolfe wolfe at polya.Stanford.EDU
Tue Aug 8 02:59:44 AEST 1989

  I'm trying to write an application which deals with menus.  I'd
like to be able to scroll up and down a menu, as well as scroll up
and down a file and highlight certain lines.

  I've tryed using Curses but can't see how to do it.  I can't seem to
get a window which is larger than the screen, even using pads.  Pads
seem very touchy.  For example, if I define a pad to be a certain
size, it will appear to work, but if I make it one line larger or
shorter, I'll get seqmentation faults..

  Has anyone managed to get anything like this to work?

wolfe at

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