Novice soft key question...

John Mundt john at
Sat Aug 5 04:44:11 AEST 1989

In article <11086 at polya.Stanford.EDU> wolfe at Polya.Stanford.EDU (Michael R. Wolfe) writes:
>  I'm trying to write an application using soft keys on a Unix machine
>Getchar and getc are buffered, so I've been trying to set the terminal
>to raw mode the only way I've gotten it to work at all is through 
>Curses, which I don't really need.  How have others solved this
>problem?  (I'm sure that it's pretty basic).

Easiest is just to put a newline at the end of each function key string 
but that makes it pretty terminal specific.  

Then, there is MINICURSES, which is a subset of curses and doesn't add that
much to your executable.  It is much too much of a hassle to go to raw mode
and not have terminal strings interpeted for you.  Really!  You'd have to
all the processing for backspaces, interrupts, etc.

John Mundt   Teachers' Aide, Inc.  P.O. Box 1666  Highland Park, IL
john at
(312) 998-5007 (Day voice) || -432-8860 (Answer Mach) && -432-5386 Modem  

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