Turbo C 2.0 vs MSC 5.1

Bob Stout Bob.Stout at p6.f506.n106.z1.fidonet.org
Sat Jul 15 21:49:55 AEST 1989

In an article of <12 Jul 89 13:00:06 GMT>, (Fred Smith) writes:

 >I must admit that I have not had the opportunity to use Turbo C or
 >Zortech C, so I cannot offer a comparison--I just felt called upon to
 >correct the error stated in the previous posting.

  I do use all three professionally and would offer a few quick comments on  
the interrupt issue in particular and the three compilers in general...

  First of all, neither MSC nor TC give you any control over the local stack  
required by an ISR. The code posted showing ISR implementation in MSC was  
quite correct - i.e. it's not a daunting task. TC is perhaps a little easier  
to use, but both are comparable. Zortech provides a function `int_intercept()'  
which you pass a function name and a stack size. The specified function is  
passed all the registers in an array. The function's return value determines  
whether the you return immediately or if the previous ISR is chained to.  
There's no need for the non-standard "interrupt" keyword since any function  
can be an ISR, plus the programmer is in total control of the ISR's local  
stack. Note also that MSC does not properly support `volatile' although it  
does recognize it as a keyword - ZTC and TC do support it. So much for the  
posted code - any of the three can do the job without too much distress. ZTC's  
most powerful, TC's easiest, and MSC's OK, too.

  In general, MSC is the type of product usually described as a workhorse.  
It's quite good, but it's the type of product that inspires supporters rather  
than enthusiasts - a subtle but real distinction. MSC's manuals are the best  
of the lot, although you may get tired of wading through them before you find  
what you want. MSC's compile times are the worst of the lot. Even without  
optimization, MSC compiles slowly compared to the other two. MSC's optimizer  
works well, but is often overly aggressive, often breaking otherwise working  
code. The be safe, try to avoid loop optimizations or full optimization (-Ox  
or -Ol). MSC comes with Quick C to enable quick compiles prior to the "real"  
code generation pahse. Whenever the new QC 2.0 is shipped with MSC, it will  
make the whole package more appealing. Finally, if you're working with MS  
Windows or OS/2, it's probably the best way to go for now. The CodeView  
debugger was revolutionary when introduced, but has been passed by now.

  TC offers the fastest compile times of the three. A non-optimizing compiler,  
TC still has an excellent code generator and often produces the tightest .EXE  
files. Tyros and ex-Turbo Pascal programmers particularly are fond of its  
integrated environment, although impartial observers might prefer QC 2.0's. In  
general, TC is a good, competent all-around package with many rabid followers.  
On the negative side, everything in the TC package has a voracious appetite  
for memory. The integrated environment is almost useless for any large source  
files and the integrated editor neither supports windows nor source files over  
64K (yeah, I know, but in the real world we sometimes have to deal with such  
beasts even if someone else wrote them!) If you're a pro, you'll likely use  
the command-line version of the compiler, your own editor and their excellent  
(but still memory-hungry) Turbo Debugger, sold separately or combined in the  
Professional Pack. But remember, watch out for your TSR's and carefully  
husband your memory - even the command-line compiler plus the librarian and  
linker eat memory like it's going out of style!

  Finally, Zortech - my personal favorite (your mileage may vary). Without  
optimization, it compiles almost as fast as TC. With full optimization, it  
slows down to MSC territory, but never breaks working code. It's .EXE sizes  
are often lower than TC and consistently better than MSC. Code quality is  
excellent and I/O speed is outstanding. The separate debugger is also  
excellent and can compete with TD. Originally marketed as Datalight Optimum-C,  
Walter Bright's compiler had an excellent reputation and cult following  
particularly among embedded systems programmers. ZTC continues to be an  
excellent compiler for embedded applications, though Zortech's marketing and  
support efforts are all directed at the C++ market. The compiler is modular,  
the only difference between the C and C++ compilers being the first pass  
parser/preprocessor - when you buy ZTC++, you get ZTC for free. Zortech has  
thrown in a few extras the mass market expects - pseudo-integrated editor,  
etc. - and they're generally quite good as well, but not up to the compiler's  
standards. One standout here is their resident help facility which may be used  
from within anybody's editor and includes library references. Fast, tight, and  
powerful - I use MSC and TC for clients, but for my own products, it's ZTC. 

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