Turbo Pascal to C translator

Craig Curtin csc at chinet.chi.il.us
Fri Jul 28 04:58:41 AEST 1989

Anyone work with a translator for translating Turbo PASCAL to any dialect of C
(MSC, TC, etc.) on a MS-DOS machine?  Also has anyone got any alternatives
to HALO printer graphics? I am in the process of converting a program from
that is currently using HALO printer graphics and Turbo Pascal into C and 
any other graphics driver? please reply via e-mail, if enough interest i 
will post a summary. thanks.

(either comercial or public domain experiences would be appreciated)

craig curtin
email: chinet!csc
days : (312)985-9000x2376
nites: (312)416-0270
craig curtin
email: chinet!csc
days : (312)985-9000x2376
nites: (312)416-0270

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