Style for handling matrices in C

Alan Myrvold alanm at cognos.UUCP
Thu Oct 12 04:50:40 AEST 1989

There's been another (well deserved) round of bashing 
in comp.lang.c for the way "Numerical Recipes" dynamically 
allocates matrices.

It is kinda too bad that they picked such an ugly (and illegal)
way to handle matrices and vectors. I have their book (in FORTRAN) 
and find it a nice readable introduction to many numerical 
methods. Had they chosen a reasonable style, it might have become

So my question is, what C style SHOULD become commonplace for
allocating matrices :

1) Encapsulate size and data into a struct :
   typedef struct { int row,col; double **x; } matrix;

2) Allocate a matrix as a vector and do arithmetic in subscript
   calculations (like Fortran, but the C compiler probably
   won't optimize the loops as well as Fortran).
   typedef double *matrix;
   x = malloc(row*col*sizeof(double));
   x[j*row+i] = 3.0;

3) K&R style 2-d matrices -- number of rows required to free matrix
   typedef double **matrix;

   matrix mat_alloc(row,col)
   int row,col;
      matrix x;

      x = (double **) malloc(row*sizeof(double *));
      for (i = 0; i < row; i++) 
          x[i] = (double *) malloc(col*sizeof(double));
      return x;

   void free_mat(x,row) 
   matrix x;
   int row;
      for (i = row-1; i >= 0; i--) free(x[i]);

4) 2-d matrices -- number of rows NOT required to free matrix
   typedef double **matrix;

   matrix mat_alloc(row,col)
   int row,col;
      matrix x;

      x = (double **) malloc((row+1)*sizeof(double *));
      for (i = 0; i < row; i++) 
          x[i] = (double *) malloc(col*sizeof(double));
      x[row] = NULL;
      return x;

   void free_mat(x) 
   matrix x;
      matrix y;

      for (y = x; *y; y++) free(*y);

5) Are there any other styles commonly used for 
   non-sparse matrices in C ???

Alan Myrvold          3755 Riverside Dr.     uunet!mitel!sce!cognos!alanm
Cognos Incorporated   P.O. Box 9707          alanm at cognos.uucp
(613) 738-1440 x5530  Ottawa, Ontario       
                      CANADA  K1G 3Z4       

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