Gerald Hawkins jerry at starfish.Convergent.COM
Sat Sep 2 07:08:10 AEST 1989

cliffhanger at (Cliff C Heyer) writes:
>I'm about to start some C programming
>on MSDOS and was wondering what
>the best editor was to use.
So far I have not come across anything perfect.  I use the editor which
is built into Turbo C, which is only fair (memorized control key
combinations to do most advanced functions, no facility for two files
on screen at once, no 132 character or 43 line modes, no easy way to read
one file into the file you're editing).  

Many people recommend qedit, which is a tiny editor in the shareware
market.  I think it, too, is only fair.  I could not make multiple
windows work; it fills in blanks for tabs (YUCKKK); but it does
understand c style.

I've used the editor (pt) supplied with the Logitech mouse.  It is a nice
editor but doesn't support c style (indenting, etc.)

The ideal editor would have excellent multiple window features, great
mouse support, and understand c and other styles.  It might warn you of
imbalanced quotes, parenthesis, braces, etc., if it was REALLY good.  If
it was OUTSTANDING it would even offer warnings about possible subtle
errors like braces, semicolons, etc., inside comments.  Also any
warnings, features, tabsize, substitution of spaces for tabs, etc., would
be user selectable in a setup file (like qedit's).

"	I don't want to imply I'm underpaid, but ...
	Last time I took my paycheck to the bank to be cashed, the teller
	asked me, 'How would you like that, sir, Heads, or Tails?'	"

Jerry		( jerry at starfish.Convergent.COM )

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