UNIX C-compiler

mike at minster.york.ac.uk mike at minster.york.ac.uk
Wed Apr 11 18:24:21 AEST 1990

For what it's worth: I use/have used C under UNIX and MSDOS (using TurboC).
The integrated environment provided by the latter is great so long as you
only want to do the things which it provides. Beyond that, it is generally
a pain in the neck.

Developing large programs (many thousands of lines) involves a lot more
than using an editor, a compiler and a debugger. The big advantage of
UNIX is all the other utilities available; SCCS/RCS, grep, ctags, etc.
Given a programmable editor (eg., any of the Emacs'es) a fair amount of
integration can be managed.

I agree with Peter da Silva: if it hasn't got "make", give it a miss (OK,
so TurboC has, but not to the UNIX standard :-)

mike richardson
"Better dead than Red? OK, when the Reds invade, you have my permission
 to commit suicide. But I object to you including me."

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