Command line parameters with VAX C?

Chris Schanzle chris at
Fri Jan 5 03:33:50 AEST 1990

minow at (Martin Minow) writes:
>Here's a simple way to define C executables as foreign commands with
>a minimum of typing:

[ugly procedure that I don't fully understand thanks to my ignorance on vms.]
>Martin Minow
>minow at

Recently I had to write a program that was 100% portable on Unix,
Puke-Dos, and of course, VMS.  Obviously, I ran into the brain-damaged
run command in VMS also.  I was hoping someone would post more
information, rather than a procedure with little explanation.

My solution was simple:  compile it somewhere you expect it to stay
put and do a $dir command to get the full device and directory name
to build the following command (symbol?):

	$ prog :== $<device>:[<directory>]program.exe

[the "$" before <device> is required.  ".exe" suffix is optional.]

Now when you type "prog" vms will run "program" with any arguments you
give on the command line as argv[argc] parameters.  Chuck this
(single) line into your file and don't worry about it any
longer.  No no fuss, no muss, and no ".com" files.

"I'm gonna need a beer 			Chris Schanzle, Computer Scientist
 to put these flames out..."		Natnl Inst of Stds & Technology
					chris at

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