Command line parameters with VAX C?

Martin Minow minow at
Thu Jan 4 08:01:05 AEST 1990

Here's a simple way to define C executables as foreign commands with
a minimum of typing:

First, create the following command file (put it in your login directory
for convenience, calling it NAME.COM)

	$! make X.exe in the current directory into a foreign command
	$ if "''p1'" .eqs. "" then write sys$output "How can I name nothing?"
	$ 'p1' :== $'f$environment("DEFAULT")''p1'.exe

Now, edit your LOGIN.COM to define NAME.COM as a foreign command:

	$ name :== @sys$

Now, after you link a program, you can turn it into a foreign command by

	$ link foo...
	$ name foo
	$ foo arg1 arg2 etc.

Hope this helps.

Martin Minow
minow at

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