Using RCS and make

Adam Stoller ghoti+ at
Tue Jun 5 22:40:49 AEST 1990

I don't remember where this was originally posted - but perhaps it might
help you.  As I only have a printed copy of the message - I hope I
haven't made any typos - re-typing it.  I also have not yet had the time
to try this out (so please don't attribute any flames or credit to me)


From: jeff at samna.uucp (Jeff Barber)
Subject: RCS and makefiles (Was Re: Advantages of SCCS?)
Date: 11 May 90 15:01:36 GMT

How about adding this at the begining of your makefile (or add it to the
default rules if you have the source to make).

---------------- Cut Here ----------------
.SUFFIXES:	.c,v .h,v .h
CO =		co

.h,v.h:	;	$(CO) $(COFLAGS) $<

.c,v.c:	;	$(CO) $(COFLAGS) $<

.c,v.o	;	$(CO) $(COFLAGS) $<
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c
		rm -f $*.c

.c,v:	;	$(CO) $(COFLAGS) $<
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $*.c
		rm -f $*.c
---------------- Cut Here ----------------

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