Why use (void) func() ?

Christopher R Volpe volpe at underdog.crd.ge.com
Wed Sep 26 01:58:54 AEST 1990

I wouldn't mind it if lint warned about *my* functions that I declare
with a return value which I *sometimes* ignore. That makes sense, because
I rarely define functions whose return values I am interested in only
sometimes. What I do mind is when lint warns me about return values from
printf being ignored, which I, as well as most people, routinely ignore.
Our dain-bramaged lint does the annoying thing in both circumstances:
It fails to warn about ignored return values from *my* routines, and
always warns about ignored return values from printf and scanf! 
Chris Volpe
G.E. Corporate R&D
volpecr at crd.ge.com

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