Return value ignored warning from lint [was: Why use (void) func()]

Jay A. Konigsberg jak at sactoh0.SAC.CA.US
Sun Sep 30 04:00:49 AEST 1990

In article <12141 at> volpe at (Christopher R Volpe) writes:
>           What I do mind is when lint warns me about return values from
>printf being ignored, which I, as well as most people, routinely ignore.
>Our dain-bramaged lint does the annoying thing in both circumstances:

Not necessarly. If I happen to write something like:

fd=open("name", O_WRITE);
fprintf(fd, "some string with or without variables");

or dup() a file descriptor to stdout and use printf() to write to a
file, then I definiatly want to know about ignoring the return

Jay @ SAC-UNIX, Sacramento, Ca.   UUCP=...pacbell!sactoh0!jak
If something is worth doing, it's worth doing correctly.

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