Interfacing yacc/lex with C++

Neil Burkhard burkhard at
Thu Sep 20 06:19:13 AEST 1990

I'm trying to use yacc/lex in a program I'm developing in C++
using Apollo's C++ system. Can anybody shed some light on
how I can have the yacc action routines invoke C++ routines? Not
obvious how I can have the compiler figure out the proper names since
C++ mangles them. Note: everything is in C++ (including 'main')
except yacc/lex stuff.

Thanks in advance for any helpful comments.
Neil Burkhard                        Internet:  burkhard at
Software Productivity Consortium     Phone:     703-742-7154
2214 Rock Hill Road                  
Herndon, VA  22070

"Just when you think you're on easy street, someone rips up
 the pavement"

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