what to think of relationals and assignments

John Baldwin johnb at srchtec.UUCP
Wed Sep 19 05:59:01 AEST 1990

In article <0947 at sheol.UUCP> throopw at sheol.UUCP (Wayne Throop) writes:

|Just as a precaution against sloppy thinking, the mutterings I use
|to remember incantations of these three sorts are
|           "foo  IS  bar"    (while thinking implicative)
|           "foo EQUALS bar"  (while thinking inquisitive, 
|                                     ofen preceeded by "if")
|           "foo GETS bar"    (while thinking imperitive)


|( I am, by the way, open to suggestions for improving these incantation
|  mnemonics. 

I don't think they need any improvement at all.  They're short, easily
comprehended, and have a one-to-one mapping with the abstract concepts.

|  .....  I'm especially unsatisfied with the "is". )

Oh, all right... how about "foo IMPLIES bar", or "foo IMPLIED-BY bar"
or even "foo IDENTITY bar" ?

John T. Baldwin                      |  johnb%srchtec.uucp at mathcs.emory.edu
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