C compiler for 386 or 486

Jim Patterson jimp at cognos.UUCP
Fri Apr 26 03:06:29 AEST 1991

In article <mjnkowcz.672352737 at unix1.tcd.ie> mjnkowcz at unix1.tcd.ie (Maciej Jankowicz) writes:
>	The PC's using 386 or 486 CPU are present for some time, but
>I don't know about any C compilers which are able to generate code 
>suitable for them to get the best of the machine.
>	I would appreciate very much any references of such products.

There are some fairly expensive compilers out there, which I have not
personally tried. I believe a company called PharLap makes one.

Or, get DJ Delorie's port of the Gnu CC compiler, which is available
under GNU General Public Licence (i.e. basically free). My experience
with it has been good, but I haven't tried anything large-scale and
there are a number of limitations (major ones are its incompatible
with other extended memory products e.g. Windows, and that 386's need
a 387 for floating point).

DJ's Gnu C compiler was posted in February to c.b.i.p but if you
missed it, here's some info on obtaining GCC. It's an FTP address; I
don't know of any uucp sites that might provide it. A warning: it's
big (the four .zoo files are about 1.6 Megabytes total).


File location:

    host:      grape.ecs.clarkson.edu
    login:     ftp
    password:  send your mail address
    directory: /pub/msdos/djgcc


    DJ Delorie
    24 Kirsten Ave
    Rochester, NH  03867-2954
Jim Patterson                              Cognos Incorporated
UUCP:uunet!mitel!cunews!cognos!jimp        P.O. BOX 9707    
PHONE:(613)738-1440 x6112                  3755 Riverside Drive
                                           Ottawa, Ont  K1G 3Z4

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