C compiler for 386 or 486

john gay jgay at digi.lonestar.org
Thu Apr 25 02:48:13 AEST 1991

>From article <mjnkowcz.672352737 at unix1.tcd.ie>, by mjnkowcz at unix1.tcd.ie (Maciej Jankowicz):

> 	The PC's using 386 or 486 CPU are present for some time, but
> I don't know about any C compilers which are able to generate code 
> suitable for them to get the best of the machine. For example Turbo

Watcom C/386 8.0
Zortech C++/386
MetaWare High C 386
NDP C & C++/386

Just off the top of my head.  I am sure that I left some out.

Look in any programmer oriented magazine for adds from software places
that sale these.

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