Num Recipes in C (Index converter or Diffs)

I.A.Kreis epiren at
Tue Apr 9 03:03:41 AEST 1991

The Numerical Recipes in C -book was intended (IMHO) as a text book on
Numerical methods, *not* on C. The `offset one' notation is a mathematical
convention. Speeding up the programs by using pointers or advanced tricks
is a task for the compiler and/or the programmer. The source in the book
is intended for human readers, not for compilers. (though they may accept
it. You are off course free to alter the code (leaving the algorithms 
for what they are), adding your own style and or flavor. Instead of flaming
the compilers/authors of this book, you could have been recoding the program-
ing examples, to fit your specific needs; you will find yourself pleased
by the easy to read *algorithmical* part of the code. Use your anger 
productively !

Adriaan van Kessel
epiren at

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