UNIX commands in C

Jason Tanner jtanner at jack.sns.com
Mon Apr 29 01:31:27 AEST 1991

    I have been programming C for a while on IBM compats. using Turbo-C
from Borland. Now I would like to move up to programing C in the UNIX
enviroment. I know how to use all the regular C commands but I would like
to know how to use UNIX commands from within a C program. For example
to have the option to show who is online from within a program. I dont
want this done with a shell escape I want it to be an potion like from a
   Thank you in advance.  Please Email or post all replies.
| jtanner at jack.sns.com   -  -   Coke IS it! - -  Ask me, I don't work here   |
|                This space was intentionally  left filled.                  |
|------------------------------Dare to think!--------------------------------|

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