C common practice. (was: low level optimization)

Bill Shirley shirley at gothamcity.jsc.nasa.gov
Sat Apr 27 00:49:32 AEST 1991

In article <22524 at yunexus.YorkU.CA>, oz at yunexus.yorku.ca (Ozan Yigit) writes:
|> In article <22354 at lanl.gov> jlg at cochiti.lanl.gov (Jim Giles) writes:
|> >On the contrary.  Putting each C procedure into a separate file _is_
|> >common practice.  It is promoted as "good" style by C gurus. ...
|> Jim, you have no idea what you are talking about, so why talk so
|> much? Remember that a closed mouth gathers no foot. 
|> oz

Isn't the first comment basically aimed at developing procudures to be put
into a library.  Thus, if each procedure is in a different file then it also
has a different object file and when linked in from a library only those
procedures that are used need to be included in the executable.

	Bill S.

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